Gyms Experiment
Important tips:
- If you want to do the experiment, click on "Run the Study" . If you wish to try more than once, we advice you to open it in an icognito browser window and close the window before you try again. We prevented participants from repeating the study (through cookies).
- If you want to see the individual stimuli of the experiment, click on "Tasks" and then click on the image in each condition (do not try to progress with buttons though). In the other tab "All Stimuli" you can also see the stimuli which were rejected from the study (red color) due to the reasons mentioned in the paper.
Additional tips:
- In Participants tab you will see a table of all Participants of the experiment with few statistics. If you did the study yourself, you will be able to monitor your performance there in the same table.
- In Crowdflower tab you will see all crowdflower contributors data among with a few statistics.
- In Scenarios tab you will see the text used for Gyms and Laptops scenario.
- In Dataset tab you will see the dataset used for Gyms and Laptops tasks.
You can download the csv of the experiment results here:
- GREEN: exp1_participants305_GREEN.csv , exp1_participant1DECOY_GREEN.csv , crowdflowercontributors306_GREEN_ok.csv
- ORANGE: exp1_participants61_ORANGE.csv , crowdflowercontributors61_ORANGE_ok.csv
- RED: exp1_participants70_RED.csv , crowdflowercontributors70_RED_ok.csv
- NON-VALID crowdflower contributors : crowdflowercontributors121_rejectedDuplConflWrong.csv